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March 2017

  • OCDSB How to Support English Language Learners, Online Instructor: Lee-Ann Scott

  • OCDSB Assistive Technology: Volunteer Support for LD Students, Online Instructor: Lee-Ann Scott

    • Introduced to Assistive Technology, Universal Design for Learning, and basic training in several AT software programs including: Dragon Naturally Speaking and Google Read&Write

January 2017 

  • TRIBES Training with Donna Bennett and Michael Eveleigh

  • Building Futures Participation: 

    • Building Trust: Engaging & Communicating with parents 

    • Navigating Through Those Difficult Situations & Conversations 

  • Federation Day (ETFO, OECTA)

November 2016 

  • EdCamp Ottawa with Amy Bowker & Laura Wheeler

October 2016

  • Social Emotional Competencies with David Smith

  • OCT Presentation

September 2016

  • Indigenous Activities, Circle Talks with Fred McGregor

April 2016 

  • OFSSA (The Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations): Coaching in Ontario Schools with Sean Clay (CIOS Coordinator)

  • Walk for Reconciliation

  • Teachers Teaching Teaching Symposium:

    • Behaviour; First Aid and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour with Bruce Hoey 

    • Reaching Every Student: Building Inclusive & Safer Communities for LGBTQ students in a Catholic School with Kevin Welbes Godin 

    • The Hiring Process with David Hogg 

    • Principal Panel with Jeremy Campbell 

    • Mathematizing the World; Seeing Math Everywhere with Susan Davidson 

    • Imagineering Your Classroom: Bringing Innovation, Creativity and Storytelling into Cross-Curricular Student-led projects with Shauna Pollock 

    • Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Sandra O’Doherty 

February 2016

  • Annual Student Teacher Conference Committee (ASTCC) Member

  • Ignite-Lite Talk 

January 2016 

  • Indigenous Walk with Jaime Koebel (Creator of Indigenous Walks, Ottawa) 

  • Classroom Management/Bump System with Trista Hollweck

November 2015 

  • GDO Wiidookoon (I Support You): First Nations, Inuit and Metis Education with Kris Maewasige & Victoria Tenasco (Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health)

  • Supporting Youth as Leaders; Building Healthy Schools with Ian Bingeman (DILA Youth Program Coordinator) 

  • School Climate and Bullying: Restorative Practices and Solutions for Bullying with Dr. David Smith 

  • Project of Heart with Pamela Touring (PlantKind)

October 2015

  • OCT Presentation

  • African Dance: Experiencing Health Through Movement with Kahmaria Pingue (African Dance Instructor, Onyxstasia) 

  • How to Start a Community Garden with Jordan Bouchard (The Community Garden Network, Just Food) 

  • Come Play, Create, Cooperate! Moving with Meaning Through Yoga for Healthy Living & Learning with Catherine Lesage (Little Feet Yoga, Ottawa) 

  • Social Emotional Learning in Schools: Healthy Practices for Students & Teachers with Dr. Jess Whitley 

September 2015

  • How Public Health can Support Your Health Curriculum with Kym MacAulay (Ottawa Public Health) 

  • Canadian Assemssment of Physical Literacy (CAPL) with Stacey Alpous (Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group) 

  • Federation Day: ETFO Professional Boundaries “It can happen to you”

  • What is Comprehensive School Health?: Building Capacity for Healthy Schools with Dr. Karen Sirna 

August 2015 

  • Summer Math Program (Faculty of Ed.; U Ottawa) with Dr.Christine Suurtamm & Dr.Barbara Graves 

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